rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

07/22 my trip today

profit: $3.18

i bought:
    garnier nutritioniste ultr-lift pro deep wrinkle roller $16.99
    aveeno active naturals daily moisturizing lotion 2.5 oz $3.49
subtotal $20.48

used coupons:
    -$5 off $20 when you earn 20 video credits 5/30-6/26 video video values 06/2010
    -$5 garnier nutritioniste ultra lift or ultra lift pro skin care w/ in-ad coupon
=$10.48 + $1.34 tax

paid :
    $11.82 oop
will receive:
♥ $11.82 oop - $15 additional scr earned = $3.18 profit ♥

notes:i already had enough towards scr #555 to get $10 + $5 bonus scr #655, now i have $50 and should receive a $30 gc instead!

i tried to use the "Garnier Nutritioniste skin care $2 off" from video values 06/2010, but the register said "item not found." i don't know why!