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07/09 my trip today: bic & powerade

saved 85%
cost: $.94

i bought:
    bic flamedisk charcoal alternative $3.99 ($4.99 - 20% discount)
    powerade 32 oz $.97
    powerade 32 oz $.97
= $5.93

used coupons: = $.43 + $.51 tax

    $.94 oop
spent $.94 oop
cost $.94
saved 85%
earned 6 wellness+ points

if you have the 20% gold discount, the flamedisk works out to be free!

there is also an scr available for $4 wyb both the bic FlameDisk Charcoal Alternative AND Multi-Purpose Lighter (LIMIT 1 07/04-7/31 scr #4)

and a coupon for the lighter... $1 Bic Multi-purpose Lighter or Multi-Position Lighter (exp 07/31/2012) 05/20/2012 SS

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here