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+ups being loaded to cards in test markets

rite aid announced 02/05 that +ups are now being loaded to cards in the test markets of Richmond, Salt Lake City, and Seattle

  • +UP Rewards will be automatically loaded to wellness+ cards
  • your receipt will include something similar to a printed +up reward, but instead of a barcode it reads "Has been loaded to your wellness+ card." +ups earned can also be viewed by logging into load2card
  • +UPs cannot be used until 6 a.m. the day after they were earned and are valid for 14 days
  • Nothing has changed outside test markets – the +UP’s generated on your register receipt can still be used on same-day next purchases

if you dislike the new system, consider signing the
Stop Load2Card feature for Rite Aid's +UP Rewards Petition

bugs & issues...

    apparently, once your card is scanned +UPs loaded to your card will automatically be applied BEFORE you have a chance to use your paper man. or store coupons. if your balance is too low once the +up rewards are applied, you lose the chance to use your other coupons!

    there is supposedly an option to "unclip" a +up reward from your card online, so that it will not automatically be applied to your next purchase - but users are reporting that once they "unclip" a reward, it seems to disappear completely with no option to re-clip it when you do want to use it.

    the new system automatically applies your highest value +UP reward first? i'm sure many of us would prefer to apply our +ups expiring soonest first, or at least the option!

    what about customers who do not have a computer? or who are not computer literate? what if you planned your transaction in advanced and made sure you had the proper +ups "clipped" but then you got to the store and found items you wanted out of stock, or found additional items that you'd like to add to your transaction?

    several customers in the test areas have found that when they completed a deal more than once, although their receipt showed that they had earned the +ups expected, the load2card site only shows one reward earned for the deal.

some good news...

rite aid posted the following on 02/07/12...
"You’ll be happy to know that based on all of the feedback we have received requesting that we maintain the register receipt +UPs, we are working on a way to let members choose what format works best - +UPs on register receipts or Load2Card +UPs. Redemption will still be on or after 6 a.m. the day after your +UP is earned. We hope to have more on this later in the week."

♥ Shannon
♥ Amyhb
♥ Andrew