rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

03/28 my trip today

cost: $1.56

i bought:
    benevia heart heart health 4 pk $8.99
    benevia strength & energy 4 pk $8.99
    clean & clear $5.49
    veet $6.49
    veet $0 (bogo sale)
subtotal $29.96

used coupons:=$.96 + $.60 tax

cost = $1.56

notes:the clean & clear will give me $5.49 towards neutrogena / clean & clear / johnson's $5 scr #53 wyb $20 3/28-4/24. if i make another trip this week, i'll get another clean & clear. (i don't want to get more than one at a time, since the ad coupons say "one per customer.")

i am also thinking of getting the lysol no-touch hand soap system this week, but i will have to order the $5 coupon from dede, since i stopped buying newspapers.