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february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

12/13 - 12/19 weekly deals

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♥ freebies ♥
    ♥ Chapstick Fresh Effects .15 oz $2.99 get $2.99 SCR #85

    ♥ comtrex 20-24 ct or 4 way nasal spray .5 oz $3.99
      -$2 comtrex 20 ct or 4 way nasal spray .5 oz w/ in-ad coupon (regional)
      -$2 Contac Cold & Flu Product, any V 10/11/09

      -$1.50 Comtrex Cough Cold SS 11/1/09

    ♥ LA Looks Gel 16-20 oz $.99
      -$1 LA Looks Gel, 20oz+ SS 10/4/09

    ♥ Philips Flip Style Remote $9.99 get $10 scr #25 11/29-12/26

    ♥ prell shampoo 13.5 oz $.99 get $2 scr #100 11/29-12/26 LIMIT 5 REBATES

$ single check rebates $
    Arm & Hammer Spinbrush or Brush Heads 2 ct get $2 SCR #121

    Cover Girl Clean Liquid or Powder Makeup bogo 50% off get $2 SCR $132 limit 5 rebates 11/2-12/26

    Duracell (any) get $5 SCR #9 wyb $15 11/29-12/26
    Duracell AA or AAA 8 pk $5.99
    Duracell C or D 4pk $5.99
    Duracell 9V $5.99
    Duracell Rechargeable (2pk) or Battery Charger 40% off
      -$1 ($.75 in some areas) Duracell CopperTop Batteries (AA or AAA 4pk+, or any size C, D, 9V) or PowerPix & Ultra Advanced (AA or AAA), or Ultra Photo Lithium (123, 223, 245, CR2, CR-V3) 11/22/09 SS

    lindt (any) get $5 scr #47 wyb $15
    lindt pouches 4.69-5.25 oz $1.99
    lindt swiss tradition , lindor truffles, or petits desserts 4.5-9.3 oz bogo
      -$1 lindt truffles (look for lindt advertisment on the right side or towards the bottom of the page. It'll say "rollover for $1 coupon." ) or here
      -$1 off 2 Lindt Excellence Bars SS 10/4/09

    Nivea Lip Care $2.99 get $2 scr #116
      -Nivea Lip Care Product (.17oz -.35fl.) bogo up to $3.99 V 11/1/09
      -Nivea Body Lotion (13.5 fl oz) FREE up to $7.99 wyb any THREE (3) Nivea Lip Care Products V 11/1/09
        -$1 scr #117 Nivea Body Creme, Lotion, Hand Cream or Oil 11/29-12/26

    Reese’s or Hershey’s Candy get $5 scr #44 wyb $20
    Hershey Holiday Kisses $1.99
    Hershey Singles 2/$1

    Rite Aid Processing get $5.99 (regular retail price of film) scr #48 wyb Rite Aid Brand 35mm Color 400 Speed 24 Exposure Print Film and in-store Standard Film Developing (regular retail $7.99)

* rite aid's new corporate policy is to accept Internet coupons with a value of $5 or less, limit of one per purchased item and the bar code must be legitimate and scan correctly.
my sources:
♥ john
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